Yarpsdat's Image Viewer

This is a handy little javascript page that allows you to display any image in your /images directory without having to create a html page for it. Instead, you simply add the image pathname to the end of the page url like so:


And your image is displayed.

How to get it on your website

Get the base viewimage.html code. Make any modifications you want so it looks pretty, but make sure you leave in the credits message (it's a condition of using the code, sorry).

Upload the code to your /workspace/webpages folder.

Update your site, and viola!

Risky's Modified Image Viewer

This version of the image viewer is a little more sophisticated, and allows you to enter the image you want to see in a little text box. The base code is here. Instructions are as above.

This tutorial by Yarpsdat of The Road From Nowhere \


Risky of Risky Behaviour

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Keenspace Gear v2.0 site design by
Ping Teo @ Phalanx (2004).
I am not paid to do this, so any appreciation and encouragement would be welcome ;)