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   Imagemap based navigation
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if(document.getElementById){ //First map area if(fstDay != ''){ document.getElementById('fst').href= fstTag.slice(3,26)+''; } //Previous map area if(prvDay != ''){ document.getElementById('prv').href= prvTag.slice(3,26)+''; } //Next map area if(nxtDay.length == 26){ document.getElementById('nxt').href= nxtTag.slice(3,11)+''; } if(nxtDay.length == 41){ document.getElementById('nxt').href= nxtTag.slice(3,26)+''; } } else if(document.all){ //First map area if(fstDay != ''){ document.all['fst'].href= fstTag.slice(3,26)+''; } //Previous map area if(prvDay != ''){ document.all['prv'].href= prvTag.slice(3,26)+''; } //Next map area if(nxtDay.length == 26){ document.all['nxt'].href= nxtTag.slice(3,11)+''; } if(nxtDay.length == 41){ document.all['nxt'].href= nxtTag.slice(3,26)+''; } } //These lines generate a message to people with way out-of-date browsers that don't support this level of scripting. //Feel free to change or delete. else{ alert('Your browser is way, way out of date. Can you get Mozilla ( ), please?'); }

This script modifes the href's of an imagemap's areas to match whatever the navigtion tags (***next_day*** and the like) would produce.

1: Either copy and paste the code above and save the file as imagemaps.js, or grab the script from here. [right click > "save as"]
Upload the script into /images/

2: Put the following between the <head> </head> tags:

    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> <!-- var fstDay='***first_day***'; var prvDay='***previous_day***'; var nxtDay='***next_day***'; //--> </script> <script language="JavaScript" src="/images/imagemaps.js"></script>

3: Make your image map like so; anything in red can be changed to suit.
I haven't included an area for the tag as it only ever points to / (that is /index.html), so it can just be put in like any other areas you want to add.

    <map name="map"> <area id="fst" shape="rect" href="#" coords="0,0,100,100"> <area id="prv" shape="rect" href="#" coords="540,0,640,100"> <area id="nxt" shape="rect" href="#" coords="0,380,100,480"> </map>