Miscellaneous scripts
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<script language=javascript>
var nxtDay=';
if(nxtDay.indexOf('html') == -1){
nxtDay= '<a href="/latest.html">' + nxtDay.slice(12,nxtDay.length);
This script redirects the ***next_day*** tag to 'latest.html' instead index.html on the second last page; all other days are as normal.
Use this script if you don't have your latest comic on your index page. 1: Copy the above script between your dailytemplates <head><</head> tags. 2: And replace the ***next_day*** tag in the <body> with the following:
One Click
<script language="javascript">
var nxtDay ='';
function oneClick() {
var nxtClick;
if (nxtDay.indexOf("html") != -1) {
nxtClick='<a href=\"' + nextday.slice(9,25) + '\" title=\"Next comic ->\">';
else {
nxtClick='<a href=\"/" title=\"Today\'s comic ->\">';
return nxtClick;
Scott McCloud suggested 'one-touch navigation' for comics (basically clicking on each comic takes you to the next one).
It's a good idea, so here's how to pull it off with AutoKeen. 1: Copy the entire script into the head of your dailytemplate. 2: Put <script>document.write(oneClick());</script> and around ***todays_comics*** like so: